Students participating in internship programs report a 53% direct job placement rate, while 90% of students participating in applied learning projects report working within their respective fields of study; however, many underserved students do not have the resources available to broaden their knowledge base outside of the classroom. We are working to help low-income, minority, first generation, and female science students to develop relationships with industry professionals, while providing unique opportunities for integrated learning and community engagement. Our scope of work has recently expanded into a partnership with Yavapai College and Prescott College.
Starting in spring 2019, a field experience program will be offered to select science classes at Yavapai College and Prescott College. The field experience will consist of environmental stewardship training in Arizona and New Mexico, where students will work side-by-side with professional scientists, including Federal and State agencies. Their work will range from GIS and data processing applications, GPS positioning, surveying, to maintenance checks to ensure safe access to public lands for wildlife and recreational visitors. In addition, a range of guest scientists will present their research, findings, and field work insights to these classrooms. Through this field experience, a wide range of STEM students from all backgrounds will be exposed to specialized field training, thereby increasing their chances of transitioning into industry careers. For more information, click here. |
June 2024